All travel from one city to the next on your trip is included. We have spent hundreds of hours finding the most effective connections. You’ll usually be traveling by train, and sometimes by air. We optimize departure times to make sure your travel is enjoyable.
Voyista also covers all your accommodation. We only partner with top-rated hostels that we have verified for quality. Each one has an amazing atmosphere and will be filled with travelers like you. Don’t worry about finding a good place to stay a night–we will make sure you are sleeping in style.
In each city you can use our app to find out what the top activities are to do. For example, each city you go to will have a free walking tour you can take from your hostel!
You'll make small payments for your trip on a regular schedule. The amount varies depending on how far out you book. The last payment will be made in the month before travel. Simply select the default option during your booking in payment.
Alternatively, we can offer a custom payment plan. Travelers can pay the entire balance upfront at checkout, or just a small deposit. In the latter cases, you'll be contacted to set up a plan that works for you.
All payments are fully changeable up to 30 days before your trip departure.
Voyista is for people who want to explore the world while also growing intrapersonally. You'll need to develop a substantial amount of responsibility to use Voyista--there won't be someone there holding your hand the entire time. We're simply a tool to enable you to see the world, perfect for solo travelers and small groups.
Voyista only works with the best accommodation providers across Europe. We partner with over 40 top-rated hostels to ensure you are sleeping in style.
We partner with boutique and well-reviewed hostels that are renowned for their quality and amazing atmospheres. Many of the hostels in our network have won awards for being some of the best accommodations in the world for young people.
Helpful English-speaking staff are available 24/7.
Dive into amazing social atmospheres, created by a community of like-minded travelers.
Sleep in style: Private room upgrades are available.
Safe and secure. Lockers and locked rooms are included at our partner hostels.
Yes, all flights and connections between cities are included in every Voyista trip. Additionally, if you select a US departure city, we will book your transatlantic flights as well.
Voyista focuses on offering travelers a unique, individual experience that bus and group tours often fail to capture. You'll not be tied to other travelers unless you book with friends as a small group. You'll still, however, have the opportunity to join social environments at each hostel.
Yes, but not a traditional one--the Voyista app acts as a digital tour guide in your pocket for your entire trip, containing all e-tickets, reservations, activities info, directions, and more.
There won't be a human tour guide with you 24/7, but there are staff at each hostel to assist you if any problems arise during your stay in a city.
By not being put in strict large tour groups, you'll have the freedom to do what you want to do once you reach a city. Although we offer several activities through the hostel and our app, you are free to do whatever you want in each destination.
As soon as you reasonably can.
You can lock in the lowest prices our algorithm finds, and monthly payments will be more affordable farther in advance. Prices tend to rise as departure dates get closer. All bookings are fully changeable up to 30 days before departure.